10 year old me stares at me from a scanned photo of me and my brother on a Florida vacation. Doing our homework I think that we were missing back in Michigan. My grandmother had died the year before and I think Oompah was staying down there at the time for the winter.

Me: age 10. John: age 7

No phones other than a land line. No devices. My brother was in little league at the time and we’d go every time he had a game in the summer. I was always dancing. In fact, that shirt I’m wearing was for a tap dancing competition. The days seemed long and uneventful. I’d be off to middle school that fall. I miss it. (Well not middle school…. nope nope nope). I miss the simplicity of it. I remember my mother telling me she missed being young like that sometimes and I was incredulous. I couldn’t wait to grow up. I get that feeling now.

Remember when you’d call people up on this?

Back at it

So my nice computer broke. Or well, kept turning off randomly for no reason. This is my iMac and the one I do all my photography editing on. A huge deal. Joe took it down and we got it looked at. So back up and running and hasn’t turned off. Yet.

Bit behind on my blog posts. School has been both stressful and busy. I’m extremely happy to be back in front of the kids but it is weird. The hallways are so much more quiet than they used to be. When I’m teaching it’s like being an actor on a stage where the audience has no reaction. This sea of masks. I have always felt teaching is sort of like being a comedian because you need the back and forth. So it’s weird. I laugh and joke anyway. Maybe they are laughing in there. It’ll be better as we start to play. Friday was better because of that. My brother installed a new radio in my car and it is life changing!

I’ve been doing a lot of photography things and now that my computer is fixed again, I can get back into the project for mom. I also figured out how to use my off camera flashes. They are strobe lights with a trigger and I can use them to get great portraits when lighting is more challenging. I think the next thing I need to buy for my portraits is a new umbrella and a reflector. I have another senior shoot coming up and a wedding the weekend after. Some architecture shots for my family friend in October. Hopefully get mom’s memoir project done early this fall too. After those projects are done I really want to be able to sit down and get all these photographs organized on discs and the old family photos scanned. Takes time.

Last weekend we went to Elk Rapids for Labor Day. 🙂 Good food at Modes.

Put up my Edison lights outside. Some fall decorations. Finally earlier than I normally do. I decided to put out my ghost earlier this year too. Mom’s ghost!

It is a nice day. I SHOULD do some weeding but maybe I won’t. We’ll see. I think I’m going to take Remi for a walk before the football games. We’ll see what happens with that. The Lions and Packers are on at the same time. House divided. I will watch the Lions. Then we have to do some family photos for John’s school project. It begins. He’s been bringing his backpack home. He loves school. A chip off the old block.

A good sermon today. Marching band begins tomorrow and I have lots of grading to catch up on already. Here we go. Happy Sunday. 🙂


“It’s a nice day, but the sun is setting isn’t it?

“Jaxon brought windows.” (To the party)

“I didn’t do it on purpose.” (This is my son- apple doesn’t fall far from the tree).

“It’s your birthday at home!”

We’re Getting The Band Back Together

Kind of anyway. We have the kids all split up and separated. I see them twice a week at the high school depending on last name. Once a week for the middle school. It will definitely be interesting. TONS of safety procedures.  Here we go.


It was a very good week but crazy busy. I am alive and 35. A nice birthday even if there were a few protests and stresses. Had a great dinner and lots of good presents!

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Ended my birthday doing a senior shoot. Some fun shots!

Today I finished up some preparations in the classroom after a nice walk with Remi.


JM’s first day of 4k! He did pretty good I hear. We really wanted to put him in Montessori this year but it just wasn’t in the cards with this Covid stuff. So he does 4K at his current school and they do a nice job there too. I’m really hoping for next year. But safest for now which is most important.

Made a nice dinner with carrots from Joe’s grandma’s garden.

And so I best get to bed. Here goes… Day 1 of whatever this year is…





Don’t ya love New York in the fall?

“It makes me wanna buy school supplies.”

Yep, me too. Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, wherever I’ve been. School supplies are my FAVORITE. They are so cheerful and fresh.

Got my school supplies. And John Michael got his! He picked out all his things.

My students are very sweet. This was on the sidewalk at the high school today.

A good day at work.

This was my happiest moment today. I made this label for my planner and it’s BASICALLY THE PERFECT PLAN!

Hot Rod. That is all.

The Fantasy

Being married to me? Living the dream? No, I guess that’s not Joe’s fantasy that came true. 🙂 His fantasy is having like 5 fantasy football teams (are there more?) at once. They had a draft last night. Here they are…

I hear they are happy with their picks. I am happy because my pick included a glass of wine with LuEllen! I am not disappointed!

Anyway, we had a lovely weekend and watched the Liberski kids again. Did a little staining of Jess’ floors last week too. Jealous of that. They will be beautiful!

Off to work for me. Happy Tuesday!


When the Morning Comes

Yesterday was a good day for a good day. Even though I had to get up early, it ended up being worth it. The pre-dawn and sunrise view as I drove north was incredible. I wish I could have stopped and taken a picture of it but ironically I had to keep driving so I’d be on time to take more pictures.

The moon was a crescent (very close to a new moon) but you could see the shadow of the whole moon. The sky was a beautiful deep blue at the top, which made that sliver of the moon pop. Then periwinkle and soft pink and orange toward the skyline. The clouds looked as if you took a cotton ball and pulled it all apart in tufts or wisps. To top all this off, a misty fog hung in the tall weeds as I drove along the road. It was breathtakingly gorgeous. 5:05 am. US-41 north. Cup of coffee. “When the Morning Comes” by Hall and Oates on my radio. You’ll just to have picture it.

This was a bit later after I arrived to my post. Still cool.


A good day of work with the colleagues followed the senior photoshoot.


Today I go back up to work to deal with the inventory and such. It is my sister-in-law’s birthday as well- Happy Birthday Nicki! 🙂

My thoughts today…

img_9163It is also picture day at the high school for this teacher. Glasses or no glasses?


On the Road Again…

Here we go! Monday, Monday.

Did a LOT of work yesterday prepping rosters, schedules, and inventory. All the things. The day flew by.

My reward was some wine and a very nice relaxing walk with Remi in the evening. It was a lovely night. Listened to some jams on my headphones and I was at peace.

This morning I getup schoolgo to get some photography done for a senior and then 7:30 call time for the meeting. Means I must be an hour north of here by 5:30, which means I leave at 4:30. I’ll let you guess what time I woke up this am. I had trouble sleeping anyway so I figured I’d workout. I was going to skip it to get some more rest. I will sleep good tonight I think.


Some thoughts as I gear up today.

I pick up the groceries on my way home after work and get the pork butt ready to roast while I’m gone tomorrow.


Ready to hit the road.


COFFEE folks. Happy Monday!